The person as the physical body, can’t sink. And nevertheless, it sinks. Every year we have statistics of drowned men. The person can’t grow old because has a being updated organism. And nevertheless, he grows old. Why?
The person is allocated with the second biology. Psychology — here its second biology. The psychology defines all deep processes of his consciousness and subconsciousness. The person depends psychological factors.

Why the person grows old
Ryszard Koch has a remarkable find: «Village theory». Essence of this theory. Each person has the circle of communications — «The village». The individual can have two child-hood friends, two friends of adult life; two colleagues with whom it most of all communicates; two authoritative mentors to whom he trusts; two most significant sexual partners, etc. There is a certain limited circle of people, with which at the individual special deep communications. All other communications are superficial. If «vacant» places of a close circle of people are taken, it is already impossible to take this place «from outside». This circle of people forms for itself during the short period of the life and forms it FOREVER.
The person consistently takes place all scale of feelings: falls in love, has feelings of paternity or motherhood, but then there comes the period of losses and losses — friends leave, close people die. And here it is found out that the person isn’t capable to create new deep communications — he is exhausted, loses forces on formation of new communications.
Koch’s theory doesn’t give the answer to a question why so occurs. It only establishes the fact — occurs quite so. Such is «social anthropology» person.
The rescue comes other find — the theory «injuries and masks». Her author, Lise Burbo, claims: the person is masked which serve him for protection against pain. For example, rejected is masked the fugitive, injured from injustice — a mask of cold estrangement. The mask which is worn by the person, is the same necessary thing, as a bandage for a wound.
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Here only a bandage from a wound remove sooner or later, and the mask can forever grow. The person doesn’t want to leave the experiences, feeling of the fault or feeling of the insult. In it the secret of why the person isn’t capable to create new communications is covered. It isn’t exhausted, at all not. He is afraid of new experiences: is afraid to find again to lose. The person is devoted to the past, doesn’t want to leave it.
Simple example. The favourite dog dies at the person and he never any more doesn’t bring the new pet, to memory of the loyal canine friend. It is the most sparing example.
But as experience of such things as Treachery, Change, Separation, Death comes. — the individual cuts from himself one communication for another and puts on a mask. The mask helps to endure pain. But in too time the mask prevents to find again Lyubov, Friendship, Attachment.
We grow old not because we become more senior but because we cut one communication for another, without creating the new.